Jonas Aebi | Zwischen Problemviertel und kosmopolitischem Alltag – Die Produktion städtischen Raumes in postmigrantischen Nachbarschaften in Basel und Brüssel | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Saad Amira | Domesticating Palestinians in the West Bank, the exemplar of Salfit governorate. Eco-Politics of Settler colonialism , Development, and the Palestinian Space | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Samuel Bachmann | The Emergence of Scientific Collections on Africa in Swiss Ethnographic Museums from 1890. Knowledge and ignorance of the museum as a colonial archive | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Tischler Co-Supervisor: Prof. Ciraj Rassool (University of the Western Cape) |
Mario Roman Behrens | An (un)- intended contribution to peace or conflict? On the relationship between humanitarian access negotiations and conflict resolution in intra-state conflicts | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel Co-Supervisor: Dr. Marjorie Breslawski Co-Supervisor: Dr. Martina Santschi |
Nadia Bellardi | A Year with Mothers and Daughters: Intimate Dialogues and Multiple Belongings across Generations, Faiths, and Desires | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. George Paul Meiu Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Monika Salzbrunn |
Rosanna Bertuccio | Reproduktion von Geschlechtsstereotypen seitens der Lernenden in schulischen Räumen (Klassenzimmern, Gängen, Schulhöfen, u.ä.) | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supvervisor: PD Dr. Gabriele Dietze (Humbolt Universität Berlin) |
Thomas Betschart | How Transport Infrastructure shapes Territory in Contemporary Africa | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Stephanie Bishop | Zambian Water Diaries: Technology in Practice | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Tina Bopp | The political economy of labor migration in the agricultural sector in Europe | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supvervisors: Prof. Dr. Patricia Purtschert (Universität Bern), Prof. Dr. Meyer Katrin |
Dora Borer | Muslimische Frauenbilder im Spannungsfeld von Religion und Politik. Eine Untersuchung zu Eigen- und Fremdbildern muslimischer Frauen in der Migration | Co-Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber Betreuer: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mohn |
Nadine Brühwiler | Shifting the paradigm? A transnational study of how ecovillages mobilise worldviews in sustainability transitions | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen Co-Supervisor: Prof Dr. Manfred Max Bergman |
Ayşegül Şah Bozdoğan | Die prospektive Position der asexuellen Körper in der Queer Theorie und die Bedeutung des Nicht-Begehrens | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kerstin Palm (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer |
Andrea Buhl | Images of Palliative Care in Tanzania – A Hospital-Ethnography in a Cancer Clinic in Dar es Salaam | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Brigit Obrist Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo |
Kaue Felipe Nogarotto Crima Bellini | Transatlantic Cruising: racialized spaces, mobility, intimacy, and Queer worlding | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. George Paul Meiu Co-Supervisor: PD Dr. Lorena Rizzo |
Muriel Degen Koch | Doing multilocal family – Aufwachsen in multilokalen Familienarrangements | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vera King (Goethe-Universität & Sigmund-Freud Institut, Universität Frankfurt a.M.) |
Alaa Dia | Border-Building: The Temporal and Material Process Of Border Management at the Aegean Islands | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrew Tucker 3rd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Lopez |
Sanna Frischknecht | Doing cooperative housing: Gemeinschaftlich-kooperative Wohnbauprojekte als Experimentierfelder für zukünftige urbane Lebensweisen? | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Axel Paul Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Jürgen Wetzel |
Fabrizio Furiassi | Mafia, Concrete, Territory: A Material History of Power in Postwar Sicily, 1945-1975 | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Andrea Gerber | Didaktisch-methodische Handlungsweisen im Kontext von Diversity an Schweizer Fachhochschulen aus der Sicht von Hochschullehrenden im Fokus einer intersektionalen Analyse | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katrin Kraus Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer |
Shahin Haghinavand | Rentier state urbanization revisited: Oil-time metropolitan development in Tehran, 1970-2020 | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jon Schubert Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers |
Can Haldenbilen | Militancy in Exile, Tracking the Diverse Trajectories of Political Migrants from Turkey | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bilgin Ayata Co-Supervisor: Dr. Elise Massicard |
Adam Hearn | Energy Governance for a Fair Transition | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Burger Co-Supervisor: PD Dr. Barbara Schmitz, Dr. Annika Sohre |
Oliver Huwyler | Parliamentarians and Interest Groups: Drivers and Consequences of Collaboration | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bailer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Simon Hug (Université de Genève), Prof. Dr. Heike Klüver (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
Mirela Ivanova | Reification in the Digital World of Work. A Study of the Contemplative Stances and the Experiential Standpoints of Medium-Qualified Service Workers | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Oliver Nachtwey Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sarah Nies (Universität Göttingen) |
Kristina Jäger | Arbeitsmarkt-Integration und Arbeitsmarkt-Partizipation von mitziehenden Expat-EhepartnerInnen aus EU-, EFTA- und Drittstaaten in den Städten Zürich und Basel | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Tschofen (Universität Zürich) |
Antonia Kaiser | Behavioural aspects in the transition to low-pesticide agriculture | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Burger Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Serdar Kandil | Comparative Analysis of the Legal Recognition of Alevism in Western Europe | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bilgin Ayata 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Max Bergman |
Tebuho Winnie Kanyimba | Tribe, Nation and the Prospect of a New Switzerland | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elísio Macamo Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Nils Kapferer | Perception of and access to justice - a queer perspective | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christa Tobler Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer |
Abaas Karim | Kurdisch-nationalistische Bewegungen, Staatsbildungsprozess und Postnationalismus | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel |
Sarah Khayati | The encounter of Middle Easterners with and their experience in Switzerland | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Lasse Kos | Governing Grassroots Innovations: Exploring the Dynamic Interplay between Ecovillages and Governmental Actors at the Local Level | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Max Bergman |
Anna Kerstin Kraft | Sober bodies—sober spaces: eine feministisch-rekonstruktive Geschlechteranalyse alkoholbezogener Nüchternheit | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bianca Prietl Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Lena Künzle | Erzählte Begutachtung. Die Aktenfigur der kinderpsychiatrischen Beobachtungsstation in der biografischen Auseinandersetzung | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wolff Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber |
Victoria Gioia Désirée Landau | (Re)Discovered – Preserved – Forgotten: (Ancient) Cultural Heritage and Data Management in the Digital Age | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Fornaro Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Aden Kumler |
Joel Laszlo | Postosmanische Städte im Visier, Visuelle Zugänge zur vergleichenden Lebensweltforschung in Jugoslawien und in der Türkei, 1920er und 1930er Jahre | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nataša Mišković Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Alejandra Lindman | The ethics of art. A way of understanding arts of movement in the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Theresa Pullano Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Caroline Arni |
Matthias Luterbach | Involvierte Väterlichkeit: Eine neue Kultur der Sorge. Wandel und Persistenz von Männlichkeit in Arrangements geteilter Familienarbeit. | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alex Demirović, Dr. Andrea Zimmermann |
Frieda Lyonga | Homosexuality and the African: Change and Persistence of Homophobic Attitudes among African Migrants in Switzerland | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Max Bergmann Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Julius Malin | Foiling Farmageddon: How do Christian Agricultural Initiatives Pioneer Sustainability Transitions within American Rural Landscapes? | 1st Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen 2nd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manfred Max Bergman 3rd Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kate Rigby |
Matthias Maurer Rueda | Citizenship, Immigration and political identity: Ethnographic studies of retribalization among political activists in Switzerland | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Sindi-Leigh McBride | The Politics and Poetics of Climate Change in South Africa and Nigeria | Supervisor: Prof Dr. Elisio Macamo Co-Supervisor: PD Dr. Lorena Rizzo |
David Meier-Arendt | Auf den Weg in einen fragmentarischen Autoritarismus? Eine empirische Untersuchung von Männlichkeiten und rechter Agitation im Netz in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bianca Prietl Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Andreea Midvighi | REACTION in the Yarmouk refugee camp – a monography of Palestinian resistance in absentia | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: Dr. Shourideh Molavi, Prof. Dr. Manuela Boatcă (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) |
Marie Migeon | Visual and political representations: interactions between visual and discursive representations in armed conflict and political roles of women in peace processes and after settlements | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel Co-Supervisor: Dr. Valérie Gorin (Geneva Centre for Humanitarian Studies) |
Sophie Moser | Kerbela am Bosporus: Aushandlungsprozesse religiöser Identität in schiitischen Gemeinschaften in Istanbul | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Tim Epkenhans (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) |
Nora Naji | Commodifying peace: Intimate warfare and prevention economies in Kenya | Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Mesok Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel |
Mustafa Nasar | "Heroic Beginnings": Representations of the 19th and Early 20th Centuries in the Arab Gulf States' Historiography | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Co-Supervisor: Dr. Jörg Matthias Determann, Prof. Dr. Thomas Demmelhuber |
Lotte Nielsen | Making the City: The Politics and Potentiality of Urban Uncertainty in Johannesburg, South Africa | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Till Förster Co-Supervisor: Manuel Herz, Prof. Sophie Oldfield |
Lea Marie Nienhoff | Pipeline Aesthetics – Designing a Socialist City for the Technical Revolution to Come | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Doreen Mende |
Marzhan Nurzhan | Roles of civil society actors in nuclear negotiations in multi-track diplomacy fora: armchair activism or epistemic community? | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel Co-Supervisor: Daniel Rietiker, Prof. Benoît Pelopidas (Science Po CERI) |
Aila Özvegyi | Schwarzes Gold und schillernde Sammlungen. Das Museum der Kulturen Basel innerhalb der globalen petroleumscape | Supervisor: PD Dr. Konrad Kuhn Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Corey D. Ross |
Beat Ospelt | Das ‹Volk› im Streit um das Frauenwahlrecht | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Katrin Meyer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Franziska Martinsen (Universität Duisburg-Essen) |
Sarah Rabhi-Sidler | Erstvaterschaft von Männern mit türkischem Migrationshintergrund in der Schweiz: Praxen, Konzepte und Selbstbilder | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Manuela Westphal (Universität Kassel) |
Julien Antoine Raemy | Linked Open Usable Data for Cultural Heritage: Perspectives on Community Practices and Semantic Interoperability | Supervisor: PD Dr. Peter Fornaro Co-Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber, Dr. Robert Sanderson (Yale University) |
Claudine Rakotomanana | Transnational union between Malagasy women and non-Malagasy men: compelling attraction on sex, affect, money and power | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. George Paul Meiu Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Julia Rensing | Troubling Archives: Namibian Auto/Biographical Accounts and Artistic Practices as Archival Interventions | Supervisor: PD Dr. Lorena Rizzo Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Tischler, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) |
Marta Rudnicka | Tastescapes in Ghana. Eating, tasting and culinary praxis in northern Ghana | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Till Förster Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Melina Rutishauser | Participation in Social Health Protection: Women’s Engagement in Tanzania | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Brigit Obrist Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo |
Melanie Sampayo Vidal | Violences et Résistances dans le théâtre postcolonial au Mali | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Patrick Suter (Universität Bern), Christine Le Quellec Cottier (Universität Lausanne) |
Stefanie Schälin | Hegemoniale Weiblichkeit(en)? Eine Untersuchung über Frauen aus der schweizerischen Wirtschaftelite | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Darja Schildknecht | The Privatisation of Peace: Countering and Preventing Violent Extremism, Gendered Security Strategies and their Effects on Women | Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Mesok Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel |
Jasmin Schmidlin | Von körperlicher Materialität und eigensinnigen Körpern: Eine Untersuchung anhand Neuer Materialismen und menstruierenden Körpern | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marion Schulze Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Natalie Schöbitz | Rising Tides, Rising Stakes: Water Infrastructure Work as Climate Adaptation in Mombasa, Kenya | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jon Schubert Co-Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers, Dr. Prince K. Guma (Sheffield University) |
Emily Schultz | The Capability Approach as the normative foundation of Sustainable Development | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Burger Co-Supervisor: PD Dr. Barbara Schmitz |
Ernest Sewordor | Race, Infrastructure, and the Evolution of Gold-mining Hinterlands in South-western Gold Coast (Ghana), c. 1900-1957 | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kenny Cupers Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Julia Tischler |
Rufino Sitoe | Mobilization and demobilization: Youth Engagement in Violent Extremism in Northern Mozambique | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo |
Annika Spahn | Heteronormative Gewalt in Wissensproduktion und Behandlungspraxis der Sexualmedizin | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anelis Kaiser (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) |
Anika Thym | Macht und Kritik: Eine Untersuchung kritischer (Selbst-)Reflexionen von Männern aus Führungspositionen im Finanzsektor | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nina Degele (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg), Prof. Dr. Birgit Sauer (Universität Wien) |
Johannes Truffer | Der "Contentious Common" Sense der Deutschschweizer Landbevölkerung | Erstbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Oliver Nachtwey (Universität Basel, Fachbereich Soziologie) Zweitbetreuer: Prof. Dr. Bernd Belina (Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Institut für Sozialforschung) |
Michael Tschäni | Participation, Democracy and Sustainability in Urban Governance | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Burger Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Pius Vögele | Ancestral Heart Beats – Hip Hop’s Sonic Fictions from Black Atlantis | Supervisor: PD Dr. Lorena Rizzo Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Philipp Schweighauser |
Berihun Wagaw | Dealing with Contested Identities and Dynamics of Belonging: A Multidimensional Analysis of Belonging Among Ethiopian Migrants in Switzerland in the Context of the Tigray Conflict. | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andreas Heuser Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo |
Julia Wartmann | How is the commitment to women's political participation in North East Syria realised in practice? | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Laurent Goetschel Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Prügl (Geneva Graduate Institute), Dr. Elizabeth Mesok |
Christian Weber | Bewahrung des immateriellen Kulturerbes: UNESCO Basler Fasnacht | Supervisor: PD Dr. Peter Fornaro Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Walter Leimgruber |
Maria Wedekind | Eine religionsaisthetische Untersuchung des alevitischen semah-Tanzes in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz und in Deutschland | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mohn Co-Supervisor: to be determined |
Cita Wetterich | Violence against male Refugees – Patterns, Factors and Consequences for Individuals and Communities | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elisio Macamo |
Selin Yilmaz | Rethinking the “Never Again” Discourse in the National Security Understanding of Israel | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski Co-Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Erik Petry |
Regula Zimmermann | Devenir parents – Macht Elternschaft ungleich? | Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer Co-Supervisor: Jean-Marie Le Goff (Universität Lausanne) |