Vergangene Veranstaltungen

09 Mär 2021
12:15  - 13:15

online, zoom


Kolloquium / Seminar

Noon-Talks 1/6: Geographies of peace in a context of urban violence in France

Brainfood for lunch. Doctoral candidates and researchers from the Departement of Social Sciences present their ongoing research.
08 Mär 2021
09:00  - 12:00

online, via zoom

G3S, Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Writing 9-12 with Julia - Semesterstart!

Join us for a collective start of the week. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
03 Mär 2021


Soziologie, G3S

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Was ist (wünschenswerte) Kapitalismuskritik?

Vorlesung von Alex Demirovic - Teil 1/14 der Ringvorlesung Kapitalismus und Kapitalismuskritik
12 Feb 2021
10:00  - 13:00


PhD program Health Sciences

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

"Meet to write" expert input by Kali Tal

Learn how to efficiently outline a manuscript and how to improve your scientific writing in English by focusing on the paragraph
05 Feb 2021 - 25 Jun 2021
09:00  - 17:00


PhD program Health Sciences

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Meet to write

The PhD program Health Sciences cordially invites all members of G3S to join their writing community
04 Feb 2021 - 28 Feb 2021
17:00  - 17:00


Interuniversities PhD program Gender Studies CH

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Call for Participation Summer School 2021 PhD program Gender Studies CH

Join the ongoing process of forming this years Summer School from 6th - 9th September 2021 with visiting scholars Margo Okazawa-Rey and Philomena Essed.
21 Dez 2020
09:00  - 12:15

online through zoom

G3S, Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Writing 9-12 reloaded online on Mondays

Join us for a collective start of the week. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
16 Dez 2020
16:15  - 17:45

online/ Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 102

G3S/ Swiss Peace

Kolloquium / Seminar

Peace Research Colloquium HS2020.7 - China and Intervention at the UN Security Council: Reconciling Status

Join us to discuss the latest findings in peace research, presented by scholars from around the world.
15 Dez 2020
18:15  - 20:00

online, via zoom

Zentrum Gender Studies

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Abschlusssitzung der Ringvorlesung "Geschlechterforschung und Naturwissenschaften: Austausch statt Kontroverse"

Abrundung der Vortragsreihe durch Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer & Dr. David García Núñez
15 Dez 2020
12:15  - 13:15

online, zoom


Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Noon-Talk HS2020.6 / Ethnografie einer Schweizer Kulturstiftung im Aufbau – Ein- und Ausblicke

Brainfood for lunch. Docoral candidates from the Graduate School of Social Sciences present their ongoing research.
14 Dez 2020
16:15  - 18:00

Universitätsspital Basel, Zentrum für Lehre und Forschung (ZLF), Grosser Hörsaal, Hebelstrasse 20

Project Digital Literacies

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Building the Bedrock of the Information Society

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Ueli Maurer, Teil 13/13 der Ringvorlesung "Herausforderung Digitalisierung: Perspektiven von Universität und Gesellschaft"
14 Dez 2020
09:00  - 12:15

online through zoom

G3S, Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Writing 9-12 reloaded online on Mondays

Join us for a collective start of the week. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.