Vergangene Veranstaltungen

09 Sep 2022
17:00  - 21:00

Online via zoom


Gastvorlesung / Vortrag, Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Heritable Human Genome Editing

Online panel with invited experts
18 Aug 2022
18:30  - 20:00

kHaus Basel, Turmzimmer 4. Stock, Kasernenhof 8, 4058 Basel


Öffentliche Veranstaltung

NEUES DATUM: Wieder Krieg in Europa – die Ukraine und den Westbalkan zusammendenken

Öffentliche Podiumsdiskussion anlässlich des Weltflüchtlingstags
09 Jun 2022
12:30  - 14:00

University of Bern, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, 3011 Bern, Room A-122

Better Science Initiative

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag, Workshop

Good Research Culture as the Basis for Excellence

A Panel Discussion organized by the Better Science Initiative.
03 Jun 2022
13:00  - 14:30

Rheinsprung 11, University of Basel, Forum eikones

Centre for African Studies

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Of Smoke and Ash: Jagger Library Memorial Exhibition

Guest Lecture by Dr. Duane Jethro and Jade Nair
03 Jun 2022
10:00  - 17:00

Spalenvorstadt 2, Bibliotheksraum der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Volkskunde

Seminar für Kulturwissenschaft und Europäische Ethnologie

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Research Projects in Cultural Anthropology

Ein Einblick in aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
01 Jun 2022
16:30  - 18:00

kHaus, room "Turmzimmer", 4th floor, Kasernenhof 8, 4058 Basel

Gender, War, and Security Research Group at the University of Basel and swisspeace

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Women In War - Reflections from Kurdistan and Ukraine

A panel discussion
31 Mai 2022
12:15  - 13:15

Online via zoom


Kolloquium / Seminar

Noon-Talks 5/5: Net-zero carbon Switzerland 2050 and its transportation system – Szenarien

Brainfood for lunch. Doctoral candidates and researchers from the Departement of Social Sciences present their ongoing research.
30 Mai 2022
09:00  - 12:00

Online via zoom

G3S, Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Writing 9-12 with Julia

Join us each Monday for a collective start of the week. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
24 Mai 2022
18:00  - 20:00

University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, Aula 033

Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S)

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung, Kolloquium / Seminar

Decolonize University! Re-imagining Theories and Practices of Knowledge Production

From Anticolonialism to Decolonization: Radical Possibilities
23 Mai 2022
09:00  - 12:00

Online via zoom

G3S, Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Writing 9-12 with Julia

Join us each Monday for a collective start of the week. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
18 Mai 2022

Universität Basel, Petersgraben 27, Hörsaal 215

Fachbereich Soziologie

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Kolloquium / Seminar

Kolloquium: Krise der spätmodernen Gesellschaft - Alternative Fakten

Streifzüge durch die soziale Erkenntnisverweigerung
17 Mai 2022
12:15  - 13:15

Online via zoom


Kolloquium / Seminar

Noon-Talks 4/5: Comparative Analysis of the Legal Recognition of Alevism in Western Europe

Brainfood for lunch. Doctoral candidates and researchers from the Departement of Social Sciences present their ongoing research.