/ News, Doktorat
G3S Co-teaching: Call for Proposals

Once again the G3S offers the possibility for teaching. The idea is that two doctoral candidates from different disciplines design and teach one course together. We are now calling for proposals for courses to be taught in the spring semester 2024.
In order to offer possibilities for PhD candidates to gain teaching experience, the G3S offers one teaching assignment for the spring semester 2024. The idea is that two PhD candidates from two different disciplines of our department design and teach an interdisciplinary course together (hence, we call it co-teaching) for BA-students and possibly MA-students.
The deadline for application is: November 3rd 2023
The criteria are as follows:
- A course must be co-taught by at least two PhD candidates
- The lecturers must have different disciplinary backgrounds (from the department of social sciences)
- Block-courses are not eligible, only regular teaching assignments (weekly, or bi-weekly)
- We privilege applicants with little or no teaching experience (at least one person in the team)
- We privilege applicants who have not yet received the co-teaching grant from the G3S
- Lecturers either acquire credit points or share one honorarium (Lehrauftrag). The honorarium is equally divided between the lecturers
- Courses are preferably taught in English
Proposals must include:
- Title of the course
- Short description of the content
- Some references to literature you might use
- Learning goals
- Teaching methods
Please find a template for your application through the link below. Please make sure that the proposal is succinct and not longer than 2 pages.
Proposals be submitted to j.buechele@clutterunibas.ch by November 3rd 2023.