Stable Jobs - Better Science
...the national campaign is also active at the University of Basel!
80 percent of the employees of the so-called academic middle management are precariously employed. For this reason, members of the VPOD union are today launching the national campaign "Stable Jobs - Better Science". We are fighting for more permanent positions, better working conditions and free and high-quality research and teaching. Join us! Only good working conditions enable better science.
Do you want to get to know the campaign? Come to one of their events at the University of Basel or get active in the union:
7. November, 6 pm
Crashcourse "Know your Rights" with Apero for mid-level faculty
Venue: Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9, Room 003 (mainly in German)
with Fabio Höhner, VPOD-Zentralsekretär Bildung
29. November, 8.30 pm
Movie night and discussion: "Weitermachen Sanssouci"
Venue: Neues Kino. Free entrance (in German)
Get to know more about the campaign and how to get active on their website through the link below!