Vergangene Veranstaltungen

07 Mär 2019
15:30  - 18:00

Universität Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Raum 117

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Bücher publizieren im Kontext von Open Access: Chancen und Herausforderungen in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften

Bild Veranstaltung
Wie kann ich mein nächstes Buch Open Access publizieren? Wie finde ich einen guten Fachverlag, der mich dabei unterstützt? Muss ich auf eine Druckausgabe verzichten? Und wer übernimmt die Publikationskosten?
07 Mär 2019 - 08 Mär 2019
11:30  - 15:00

Université de Neuchatêl

Université de Neuchâtel, nccr on the move


How Qualitative Social Network Analysis Can Offer New Opportunities in Migration Research

Interdisciplinary Workshop
06 Mär 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis III

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
01 Mär 2019 - 02 Mär 2019


Weiterbildung, Weitere Events

swisspeace course: Mediation & Peacemaking

Continued education module offered by swisspeace and the University of Basel
27 Feb 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis II

-- CANCELLED -- This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about…
22 Feb 2019
09:15  - 15:00

University of Basel, Rheinsprung 9, Raum 207


Migration and social change: a long-term global perspective

migration picture
WORKSHOP with Leo Lucassen. The lecture on Thursday, February 21st, is followed by this workshop the next day on Friday, February 22nd.
21 Feb 2019
18:15  - 20:00

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Room 115

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Migration and social change: a long-term global perspective

migration picture
LECTURE by Leo Lucassen (University of Leiden/IISH Amsterdam)
20 Feb 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis I

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
18 Dez 2018
12:00  - 16:00

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. des Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis XII

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
18 Dez 2018
09:15  - 12:45

to be anounced


Transmission of Holocaust Memory and Immigrant Populations in Europe

Workshop with Prof. Dr. Esra Özyürek (Chair of Turkish Studies, London School of Economics, UK)
17 Dez 2018
18:00  - 20:00

Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, Hörsaal 001

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

What is NEW in the NEW TURKEY?

Annual Lecture der Studien- und Foschungsstelle Schweiz – Türkei. Keynote by PROF. DR. ESRA ÖZYÜREK Chair of Turkish Studies London School of Economics, UK
14 Dez 2018
09:30  - 13:00

Departement Geschichte, Seminarraum 4

Gerhard Lauer, Martin Lengwiler, Roberto Sala

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop, Weitere Events

Text Mining und kliometrische Zugänge in der historischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung III