Vergangene Veranstaltungen

17 Apr 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis VIII - CANCELLED

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
16 Apr 2019
18:15  - 19:45

University Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Hörsaal 115

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Gespräch und Buchvorstellung «Die kapitalistische Zivilisation - Unmaskierte Götter und nackte Könige” von Abdullah Öcalan

Im Gespräch mit Öcalan Übersetzer Reimar Heider erörtern wir die Frage nach Alternativen zur Globalisierung und kapitalistischen Produktionsweisen.
12 Apr 2019
18:00  - 20:00

Center for African Studies Foyer, Rheinsprung 21

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Manhattans & Martinis

Meeting and discussion with Hossein-Hemen Heidari
12 Apr 2019 - 13 Apr 2019
14:30  - 16:00

Rathaus (Town Hall) and University Basel

Basel Peace Office, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Disarmament (PNND), IPPNW Switzerland, Mayors for Peace (Europe) and World Future Council

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Move the Nuclear Weapons Money

An international conference on divestment and other actions by cities, universities, parliaments and religious institutions to reverse the nuclear arms race and protect the climate.
12 Apr 2019
10:15  - 18:00

Universität Basel, Departement Geschichte, Hirschgässlein 21

Kolloquium / Seminar

Körper – jenseits von Kultur und Natur

Forschungskolloquium zur Geschlechtergeschichte - Leitung: Prof. Dr. Caroline Arni, Prof. Dr. Claudia Opitz
11 Apr 2019 - 12 Apr 2019


Kolloquium / Seminar

Exploring the migration – mobility nexus in Neuchâtel

migration series picture
As part of the Lecture and Workshop Series on Migration we will visit the NCCR in Neuchâtel.
10 Apr 2019
19:15  - 21:00

Alte Uni | Rheinsprung 9/11 | Hörsaal -101

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Populismus und Autoritarismus

Vorlesung der Vortragsreihe "Rechtspopulismus und Geschlecht"
10 Apr 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis VII

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
05 Apr 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Seminarraum 106

Dr. Julia Büchele


Writing 9 to 5

Bring your computer and books and whatever you are working on and join us for a collective writing day. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
04 Apr 2019 - 26 Apr 2019
09:00  - 12:00

Language Center


Writing for Publication Programme – Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) – Writers

The writing for publication programme is offered in collaboration with the Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S). It consists of three modules that build on each other: Starters prepares participants to commence writing an article…
03 Apr 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis VI

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
29 Mär 2019
18:00  - 20:00

Center for African Studies Foyer, Rheinsprung 21

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Manhattans & Martini

Meeting and discussion with Danelle Van Zyl-Hermann