Vergangene Veranstaltungen

20 Sep 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Room 103

Dr. Julia Büchele


Writing 9 to 5 HS19_1

Bring your computer and books and whatever you are working on and join us for a collective writing day. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
19 Sep 2019
16:15  - 18:00

Rheinsprung 21, Sitzungszimmer U4.002

Kolloquium / Seminar

Writing for peer-reviewed journals in 10 easy steps

"Übung" by Manfred Max Bergman
18 Sep 2019
10:15  - 14:00

University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, Seminarraum 103

Michelle Engeler

Kolloquium / Seminar

Writing your PhD: stylistic elements, composition, chapter structure

Doctoral course: Writing – and finishing writing!
17 Sep 2019
18:15  - 20:00

Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 102

Maurus Reinkowski

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

"Orient in Basel" - Einführung

Die Ringvorlesung thematisiert zum einen das Erbe des Orients in Basel in Form von Sammlungen und bewahrtem Wissen über den Orient und Islam.
17 Sep 2019
14:15  - 16:00

Alte Universität, Seminarraum - 201

Kolloquium / Seminar

Virginia Woolf und die Krise der Männlichkeit

Seminar geleitet durch Prof. Dr. Andrea Maihofer
17 Sep 2019
14:00  - 16:00

University of Basel, Petersgraben 52, second floor, 205.3

Dr. Julia Büchele

Workshop, Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
17 Sep 2019
12:15  - 14:00

University of Basel, Rheinsprung 21, Room 00.004

Dr. Andrea Zimmermann

Kolloquium / Seminar

"The Art of Intervention II"

Performing Gender – Kritik an vergeschlechtlichten Subjektivierungsprozessen auf und hinter der Bühne
05 Jul 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel, Petersplatz 1, Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Raum 104


Writing 9 to 5

Bring your computer and books and whatever you are working on and join us for a collective writing day. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
07 Jun 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Seminarraum 104

Dr. Julia Büchele


Writing 9 to 5

Bring your computer and books and whatever you are working on and join us for a collective writing day. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
06 Jun 2019
09:15  - 17:00

Vortragssaal University Library, Room Number 118, 1st floor), Schönbeinstrasse 18-20


--POSTPONED-- Research Data Management

-- New Date announced soon -- Knowing how to manage and organize research data is becoming one of the fundamental criteria to guarantee the quality, durability and reproducibility of your research. This introductory course will offer you…
03 Jun 2019

Language Center


Writing for Publication Programme – Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) – Submitters

The writing for publication programme is offered in collaboration with the Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S). It consists of three modules that build on each other: Starters prepares participants to commence writing an article…
28 Mai 2019
19:30  - 21:30

Markhalle Basel, Wohnzimmer

Gleichstellungskommission Basel-Stadt und das Zentrum Gender Studies

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Gleichstellung – Stillstand? Aufstand?

Die Gleichstellungskommission Basel-Stadt und das Zentrum Gender Studies veranstalten ein Podium zum Frauen*streik. Mit dabei sind Andrea Maihofer, Sarah Schilliger, Tamara Funiciello und Elisabeth Freivogel.