Vergangene Veranstaltungen

06 Jun 2019
09:15  - 17:00

Vortragssaal University Library, Room Number 118, 1st floor), Schönbeinstrasse 18-20


--POSTPONED-- Research Data Management

-- New Date announced soon -- Knowing how to manage and organize research data is becoming one of the fundamental criteria to guarantee the quality, durability and reproducibility of your research. This introductory course will offer you…
03 Jun 2019

Language Center


Writing for Publication Programme – Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) – Submitters

The writing for publication programme is offered in collaboration with the Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S). It consists of three modules that build on each other: Starters prepares participants to commence writing an article…
28 Mai 2019
19:30  - 21:30

Markhalle Basel, Wohnzimmer

Gleichstellungskommission Basel-Stadt und das Zentrum Gender Studies

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Gleichstellung – Stillstand? Aufstand?

Die Gleichstellungskommission Basel-Stadt und das Zentrum Gender Studies veranstalten ein Podium zum Frauen*streik. Mit dabei sind Andrea Maihofer, Sarah Schilliger, Tamara Funiciello und Elisabeth Freivogel.
27 Mai 2019
09:00  - 17:00

Vortragssaal Universitätsbibliothek Basel Raumnummer 118, 1. OG), Schönbeinstrasse 18-20, 4056 Basel

UB Bern, UB Basel


Datenschutz und Anonymisierung bei qualitativen Forschungsdaten

Im Sinne der leichten Nachvollziehbarkeit sowie einfachen Nachnutzung von Forschungsergebnissen wird nahegelegt, Forschungsdaten so offen wie möglich und so geschützt wie ethisch und rechtlich nötig zugänglich zu machen. Die Universität…
23 Mai 2019
18:15  - 19:45

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Petersplatz, Hörsaal 114

Julia Büchele, Joschka Philipps

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag, Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Methodological Challenges in Migration Studies: ‘Visuality’ as a new approach

migration series
LECTURE by Amal Abdrabo (University of Basel)
22 Mai 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis XII

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
21 Mai 2019
18:15  - 19:45

Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9, Basel, room -201

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Decolonial Aesthesis - One Decade later

The research group Aesthetics from the Margins at the Centre for African Studies invites you to a public lecture by Walter D. Mignolo, William H. Wannamaker Professor of Literature and Romance Studies, Cultural Anthropology and Spanish at…
15 Mai 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis XI

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
09 Mai 2019
18:15  - 19:45

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Room 118

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Transnational connections and border power in current migration

lecture migration series
Lecture by Boris Nieswand (University of Tübingen)
08 Mai 2019
12:15  - 15:45

Graduate School of Social Sciences, Petersgraben 52, 4051 Basel

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis X

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
04 Mai 2019
09:00  - 15:00

ZASB Rheinsprung 21, room tbc


North Africa: New Forms of Social Movements, Social Non-Movements, and Social Non-Actors

Taught by Amal Abdrabo, PhD, lecturer in Sociology at the University of Alexandria and fellow of the Oumou Dilly Foundation
03 Mai 2019
18:00  - 20:00

Center for African Studies Foyer, Rheinsprung 21

Öffentliche Veranstaltung

Manhattans & Martinis

Meeting and discussion with Ernest Sewordor