Vergangene Veranstaltungen

05 Nov 2019
14:00  - 16:00

University of Basel, Petersgraben 52, second floor, 205.3

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
05 Nov 2019
12:00  - 13:00

University of Basel, Rheinsprung 9, Room 207

Basil Bornemann

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Noon-Talks: Post-democracy or post-liberal democracy? Reassessing political participation from an advanced governance perspective

Presented by Basil Bornemann (Sustainability) Discussant: Ina Dietzsch (Cultural Anthropology)
01 Nov 2019 - 02 Nov 2019
09:30  - 17:15

University of Basel Kollegienhaus, room 001, Petersplatz 1, Basel

Centre for African Studies Basel

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Africa and the Academy in the 21st Century

An interactive, interdisciplinary bringing together a selection of Swiss and international scholars studying Africa
01 Nov 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Mehrzweckraum (Room) 035

Dr. Julia Büchele


Writing 9 to 5 HS19_4

Bring your computer and books and whatever you are working on and join us for a collective writing day. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
29 Okt 2019
18:15  - 20:00

Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 102

Michael Bangert

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Religiöse Toleranz oder theologische Polemik? Der Druck des Koran von 1542/43 im Umfeld widerstrebender Tendenzen der Basler Reformation

Teil der Ringvorlesung "Orient in Basel"
22 Okt 2019
18:15  - 20:00

Universität Basel, Aula des Kollegienhauses

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Niqab und Burka: Zu viel Orient in Basel? Podiumsdiskussion in Kooperation mit der Forschungsstelle Recht und Religion der Universität Basel

Teil der Ringvorlesung "Orient in Basel"
22 Okt 2019
14:00  - 16:00

University of Basel, Petersgraben 52, second floor, 205.3

Dr. Julia Büchele

Kolloquium / Seminar, Workshop

Applied Qualitative Data Analysis

This colloquium will provide the space to present excerpts of data (field notes, recorded or transcribed interviews, film material, archive material etc.) and generate in-depth discussions with fellow PhD candidates about your own research…
22 Okt 2019
12:00  - 13:00

University of Basel, Rheinsprung 9, Room 207

Dr. Fiona Siegenthaler

Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Noon-Talks: Theorizing Contemporary Art and Social Space in African Cities

Presented by Dr. Fiona Siegenthaler (Anthropology) Discussant: Corinne Othenin-Girard (Sociology)
18 Okt 2019 - 19 Okt 2019
12:30  - 12:30

Middle Eastern Studies, Maiengasse 51, 4056 Basel

Dr. Ali Sonay


Values and Status Negotiation: media in the Middle East and North Africa

The 7th Annual MUBIT Doctoral Workshop in Late- and Post-Ottoman Studies in Basel, " Values and Status Negotiation: Media in the Middle East and North Africa" is a two-day intensive seminar organized by Dr. Ali Sonay at the Program for…
18 Okt 2019
09:00  - 17:00

University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Room 106

Dr. Julia Büchele


Writing 9 to 5 HS19_3

Bring your computer and books and whatever you are working on and join us for a collective writing day. We will write together, each on his/her own thesis or work-in-progress for an article.
17 Okt 2019
19:00  - 21:00

Language Center


Begleitetes Schreiben: Deutsch // Guided Writing: Englisch

Sie schreiben Texte auf Deutsch oder Englisch und wünschen sich sprachliche Beratung beim Schreiben? // Do you write texts in German or English and require linguistic advice when writing?
17 Okt 2019
10:00  - 18:00

Basel, Rheinsprung 21, Raum 00.004

Interuniversitäres Doktoratsprogramm Gender Studies Schweiz



mit Fabienne Amlinger, Franziska Schutzbach und Barbara Bleisch