University of Basel, Kollegiengebäude, Room 118
Transnational connections and border power in current migration

The talk explores intersections between transnationalism and border studies. Understood in a specific way, these fields of study imply complementary perspectives that each can inspire the other. Based on two case studies, deriving from accomplished research projects, the notions of border dispositifs and border effects are explored as analytical lenses for researching and conceptualising the nexus between transnational migration and border regimes. “Border dispositif” is introduced as an analytical means to facilitate the de-reification of borders on the one hand and shifting the focus to concrete border localities where inequalities are produced and negotiated under specific situational circumstances. In contrast, the notion of “border effect” reifies the notion of border in order to capture structural effects which border regimes have on transnational migrants’ lives. Finally, the concept of border capital is introduced as sensitizing concept to think about effects that borders have on resources of persons who are mobile across borders. The overall goal of the talk is to provide some ideas and concepts that might help to research into and reflect about the impact of borders on inequalities between mobile persons.
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