Alte Universität, Hörsaal 101, Rheinsprung 9, Basel
G3S in Coorporation with Forschungs-und Studienstelle Schweiz-Türkei/Research Association Switzerland-Turkey (SFST)
The Turkish Republic before its Centennial: Towards or Beyond Post-Kemalism?
In her keynote lecture, Turkey‘s eminent sociologist Prof. Nilüfer Göle will revisit the promise and prospect of the Turkish Republic in light of its centennial in 2023. Over the course of hundred years, Turkey has been described as a bridge between Europe and Asia, or as a secular role model for Muslim countries but increasingly also as an example of authoritarian regress. What is the state of the Republic amidst massive domestic and external transformations, what are the key challenges that Turkey faces at its centennial and beyond?
Prof. Nilüfer Göle is one of the most infuential thinkers from Turkey, who has spearheaded critical interventions both in Turkey and Europe on the questions of Islam, modernity, and secularism. She is the Professor for Sociology and Director of Studies at the EHESS in Paris. Her scholarship has opened up a new reading of modernity from a non-western perspective and a broader critique of Eurocentrism in the defnitions of secular modernity.
Organizers: Forschungs-und Studienstelle Schweiz-Türkei/Research Association Switzerland-Turkey (SFST) in Cooperation with the Institute for European Global Studies, Graduate School of Social Science, University of Basel and Dept. of Anthropology, University of Bern
Please find further information in the flyer through the link below.
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