PHD-program Gender Studies CH
Doing Research Otherwise: Politics and Possibilities in Gender Studies
The Summer School 2021 for doctoral students of the interuniversity PhD program Gender Studies CH will take place on 6-9 September at the University of Basel. Under the title Doing Research Otherwise: Politics and Possibilities in Gender Studies we will look into multidimensional questions concerning the struggles, politics, conversations and possibilities of doing research otherwise within Gender Studies.
For three and a half days we will reflect upon our positionalities: How do I do research, from which position, with whom, for whom, with what knowledge interest, and why? We will think about how our positionalities inform our research designs: What does this mean theoretically, what methodological questions come along when designing research projects and what does emancipatory research practices look like?
With these questions in mind, we will build on the reflections and debates of our 2016 Summer School Imagine Otherwise, the Retreat Situating Knowledge in 2020, and the many enriching discussions of the past four years of our cooperation. We want to create a space that enables new doctoral students to become familiar with our interdisciplinary research contexts and the more seasoned collegiates to deepen their knowledge.
In striving to focus on 'doing' as a continuation of 'imagining' what the 'otherwise' can be, the panels and workshops will be dealing with the following topics: the politics of design, decoloniality (of gender), transnational feminist activist scholarship and right-wing populism. Further, we will organize a visit of Kara Walker's exhibition at the Museum für Gegenwartskunst in Basel. Finally, in a roundtable discussion, we will reflect on “How to do transnational feminist collaboration?”
The invited experts are:
- Prof. Dr. Manuela Boatcă (Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg)
- Prof. Dr. Bettina Dennerlein (University of Zürich)
- Dr. Gabriele Dietze (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- Prof. em. Dr. Andrea Maihofer (University of Basel)
- Maya Ober (depatriarchisedesign.com)
- Prof. em. Dr. Margo Okazawa-Rey (San Francisco State University)
- Nina Paim (futuress.org)
- Prof. Dr. Patricia Purtschert (University of Bern).
Registration until 1 July via E-Mail to roan.schmid@unibas.ch
This event is free of charge and oriented towards PhD students and post-graduates of Gender Studies.
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