Online via zoom
Center of Gender Studies
Social Cloning in Academia
In this public conversation with Dr. Andrea Zimmermann we will touch upon different aspects of Philomena Essed`s work. We will connect these topics with several research projects that are conducted in our PhD program and in our networks at the moment.
Philomena Essed is visiting professor of the PhD program Gender Studies CH. She is professor of Critical Race, Gender and Leadership Studies at Antioch University, Graduate School of Leadership and Change and Affiliated Researcher at the University of Utrecht, Gender Graduate Program. Well-known for introducing the concepts of everyday racism and gendered racism, Essed also pioneered in developing theory on social and cultural cloning. The now classical 1984 (in Dutch) Alledaags Racisme (English version, Everyday Racism, 1990) has been republished in 2018 with additional chapters. Other books include Understanding Everyday Racism; Diversity: Gender, Color and Culture and coedited volumes: Race Critical Theories; Refugees and the Transformation of Societies; A Companion to Gender Studies (‘outstanding’ 2005 CHOICE award); Clones, Fakes and Posthumans: Cultures of Replication, (2012), Dutch Racism (2014), and Relating Worlds of Racism: Dehumanisation, Belonging and the Normativity of European Whiteness (2018). Her current focus is on humiliation, dehumanization, cultures of dignity and ethics of care as experience and practice in leading change.
Please register until the 5th October 2021 via
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