PhD-Program Gender Studies CH
Rethinking Transnational Feminist Collaborations, in Academia and Beyond
This roundtable aims at critically rethinking and re-evaluating possibilities for and constraints of transnational collaborations from a decolonial, feminist perspective. It will discuss notions of solidarity, cooperation, and collaboration in light of institutional, intellectual and material inequalities and hierarchies between the Global Norths and the Global Souths. Furthermore, we will think through new ways of and visions for establishing transnational collaborations, which pose possible alternatives around these challenges. This roundtable brings together established experts in intersectional feminist and gender studies who will situate and discuss their vast experiences in collaborating transnationally both within academia and beyond.
Bettina Dennerlein is Full Professor of Gender Studies and Islamic Studies at the Insitute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Zurich. Her research covers issues of Islamic family law, feminism, contemporary politics of gender as well as modern Islamic thought and reform with a focus on North Africa. Among her publications are her last book “Religion als Reform. Iṣlāḥ und Gesellschaft in Marokko, 1830-1912” (Religion as Reform. Islah and Society in Morocco, 1830-1912, Berlin 2018). Dennerlein is a founding member of the series’ editors of “Gender and Islam” at Bloomsbury.
Margo Okazawa-Rey is Professor Emerita at San Francisco State University and an activist and educator working on issues of militarism, armed conflict, and violence against women examined intersectionally. She has long-standing activist commitments in South Korea and Palestine. Currently, she produces and hosts feminist radio, Women's Magazine, on KPFA of the Pacifica Radio network in Berkeley California USA. Prof. Okazawa-Rey is a founding member of the International Women’s Network against Militarism and Women for Genuine Security and serves on the International Board of Peace Women Across the Globe in Bern.
Patricia Purtschert is a Swiss philosopher, gender researcher and cultural scientist. Among other things, her work focuses on feminist, intersectional and queer theory, as well as Switzerland’s post_colonial history. She is a professor of Gender Studies and codirector of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Bern.
Sarah Farag is a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Zurich and part of the SNF-supported collaborative project “Gender, Politics and Critique in the MENA: Towards a Critical History of Feminism, 1970s until Today”, in cooperation with the International University in Rabat, Morocco, and Birzeit University, Palestine. Her works focuses on feminist critique, women’s rights activism and alternative masculinities in contemporary Egypt. She is one of the founding members of several transnational feminist collaborations across Switzerland and the MENA region, with a strong interest in developing creative, multilingual spaces for shared knowledge production in the field of gender studies.
Registration until 3 September via E-Mail to roan.schmid@unibas.ch
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