26 Sep 2019
18:00  - 20:00

University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, Room 120

Research Association Switzerland-Turkey in Cooperation with G3S

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Reading Turkey from an Arab and Alawi Angle

SFST Annual Lecture 2019 with Prof. Dr. Yael Navaro, University of Cambridge

This lecture addresses the problematic Turkish-Arab interface from the vantage point of fieldwork in Antakya in the period of the ongoing war in Syria. Public discourse in Turkey is currently infested with racist references to Arabs, particularly targeting refugees from Syria. While scholars have begun to address contemporary Arabophobia in Turkey, the longer term relationality between ‘Turkish’ and ‘Arab’ positionalities, subject-positions, and subjectivities remains insufficiently explored.

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