University of Basel (tba)
G3S and Near & Middle Eastern Studies
Palestine Versus the Palestinians? – Writing Palestinians into History
with Prof. Dr. Beshara Doumani (Mahmoud Darwish Professor of Palestinian Studies, Brown University, President, Birzeit University)
Organized and hosted by:
Dr. Alexander E. Balistreri
Prof. Dr. Maurus Reinkowski
Prof. Dr. Aline Schläpfer
The Annual MUBIT Doctoral Workshop in Late- and Post-Ottoman Studies is a two-day workshop in Basel, Switzerland, designed for international doctoral students conducting research on the Near and Middle East. The workshop consists of a two-day, intensive program in which select students work closely with invited experts. Successful completion of the workshop entitles students to 3 ECTS credits. The 2022 workshop will be held in person between 30 September (12:00 p.m.) and 1 October (13:00 p.m.) at the University of Basel.
This year, we are thrilled to host Prof. Dr. Beshara Doumani of Brown University in Rhode Island and Birzeit University in Palestine to lead our 10th annual workshop on the topic of “Palestine Versus the Palestinians? Writing Palestinians into History.” For more information on the content of the workshop, please have a look at the flyer through the link below.
Currently enrolled Ph.D. students who wish to attend the workshop should write an email to Alexander Balistreri (, with a short text summarizing their academic background and explaining how this workshop fits in to their research interests (max. 400 words, in third-person singular, in English). Applicants should also provide a CV (in English), sent as a PDF. Up to 15 applicants will be selected for participation in the workshop, based on relevance of their research project and a demonstrated ability to contribute constructively to the discussions.
The deadline for applications is 28 August 2022.
For further information on the workshop, please find the complete flyer through the link below.
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