15 Dez 2020
12:15  - 13:15

online, zoom


Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Vortragsreihe / Ringvorlesung

Noon-Talk HS2020.6 / Ethnografie einer Schweizer Kulturstiftung im Aufbau – Ein- und Ausblicke

Brainfood for lunch. Docoral candidates from the Graduate School of Social Sciences present their ongoing research.

“Noon-Talks” is an opportunity for PhD candidates and Post-docs of the Department of Social Sciences to get to know each other, present their ongoing work, receive feed-back and engage in discussions with scholars of the various disciplines of our department. Our goal is to foster exchange between scholars and get to know each other’s work. We wish to encourage presenters to address methodological challenges, theoretical issues and conceptual questions they are currently working on. Each presentation will be followed by prepared comments from a discussant and an open Q&A session. We cordially invite all members, faculty and students of the department to join us.

20 minutes presentation, 10 minutes comments by a discussant, 20-30 minutes open Q&A/discussion

Presenter: Theres Inauen (Cultural Anthropology)
Titel: Ethnografie einer Schweizer Kulturstiftung im Aufbau – Ein- und Ausblicke
Discussant: Andrea Zimmermann (Gender Studies) 

Further dates: none in 2020, restart in spring 21

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