PhD program Health Sciences
"Meet to write" expert input by Kali Tal
The PhD program Health Sciences cordially invites all members of G3S to join their writing community:
"We invited Kali Tal to show you
(1) How to efficiently outline a manuscript and
(2) How to improve your scientific writing in English by focusing on the paragraph
In this session, Kali will both teach you the theory and show you many examples. You will also do some exercises in class, and apply them immediately to your own writing projects. Please note, during this session on 12 Feb, there will be no writing parts with the pomodoro technique.
Kali Tal is a very experienced medical writer and editor. She has helped many researchers publishing their manuscripts successfully. Her growing experience in teaching scientific writing has led to a series of highly valued courses, mainly at the University of Bern. I've visited some of her courses recently, and I'm very happy that she agreed to lead one session and provide feedback in two others (5th & 26th Mar 2021).
New to 'Meet to Write'?
'Meet to Write' is offered weekly to write in a group, everyone on their own writing project. Chunked into 4-week modules with input, writing, and feedback sessions allows PhD researchers to develop their writing style and habits by using the pomodoro technique.
See more information on our website or contact us at
Registration is usually done for one whole module, i.e. 4 consecutive sessions, but you don't have to attend all of them.
Looking forward to seeing you in one of our 'Meet to Write' sessions,
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