G3S, Dr. Julia Büchele
Information Management
The G3S offers a short workshop (2x2 hours) on “Information Management”!
As PhD candidates you deal with a great amount of text and data, you have to capture complex ideas, analyze and interpret your findings and put all of this in a form that can be presented as a thesis. Clear strategies and effective methods are needed to make sense of all the material you gather, and generate the output you are asked to deliver.
In this course you will learn to use a tried and tested framework for your scientific work. A framework that helps you to process information, teach you how to store it, and where to find it when you need it. A framework that supports you in your work and improves your output, that gets you into your flow state. The brilliant thing is that you will work tool-independent, and set up your personal work environment the way you need it for your knowledge work.
Dates/Time: December 7th and 14th, 4-6pm
Venue: Zoom
Application: the number of participants is limited. Please let Julia know by November 18th if you wish to participate: j.buechele@unibas.ch
We look forward to the workshops!
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