01 Apr 2025
10:15  - 12:00

Petersplatz 14 / Hebelstrasse 3, Grosser Hörsaal, E016



Get it done!

Practical Advice, Strategies and Support to Finish your Dissertation with Julia Büchele & Michelle Engeler

Writing – and finishing writing! – a PhD is a very challenging endeavor. This course faces this challenge head on and aims at supporting members of the Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S) in finalizing their PhD theses. Key topics include time management, strategies and tricks for the final revision process, help with administrative issues and peer support. Additionally, there will be room to reflect on individual problems, practical and emotional challenges and solution strategies. Besides the meetings in class throughout the semester, participants have the possibility to meet the lecturers individually to get additional advice.

This course is open for G3S members aiming at finishing their thesis in summer 2025! The number of participants will be limited to 10 persons.

If you are interested in attending this course, please write an email including your motivation and a short statement on the progress of your work (approx. 1 page) to Michelle Engeler (michelle.engeler@clutterunibas.ch) until 9 February 2025.

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