Exploring the migration – mobility nexus in Neuchâtel

The nccr – on the move is the National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) for migration and mobility studies. It aims to enhance the understanding of contemporary phenomena related to migration and mobility in Switzerland and beyond. Connecting disciplines, the NCCR brings together research from the social sciences, economics and law.
Train from Basel SBB at 14:31, change trains in Olten (arrival in Neuchâtel at 16:01)
16:15 Introduction and site visit of the main migration research institutes and resources in Neuchatel (nccr – on the move, Swiss Forum for Migration, MAPS, Centre for Migration Law. Meeting at the SFM/nccr – on the move building, Université de Neuchâtel, Rue Abram-Louis-Breguet 2, 2000 Neuchâtel)
18:15 Public Lecture: “Immigrant Naturalization in Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden: Origin, Destination and Life Course in Longitudinal Perspective (1994-2016)” by Pieter Bevelander, Malmö University
20:00 Dinner with nccr - on the move fellows
9:00-10:30: Fellow workshop with Pieter Bevelander
10:30-16:00: Presentations by nccr - on the move project leaders on current research projects (programme will follow soon), lunch sponsored by the nccr - on the move
The G3S will pay for travel costs and accommodation for members of the G3S. Places are limited. Please register with Julia Büchele (
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