University of Basel, Kollegienhaus, room 103
Computer-aided qualitative data analysis with MAXQDA
In qualitative research the importance of computer-aided methods has increased in the last years. The MAXQDA software offers researchers the possibility to analyze texts, images and videos in a structured and comprehensible way. Furthermore, the entire research process can be documented in MAXQDA.
The workshop has two focal points. In the morning, the functions of MAXQDA such as coding, memos, variables and visualizations will be presented and tested. In addition, various qualitative methods and their use with software for qualitative data analysis will be discussed. In the afternoon, on the research problems of two to three course participants will be worked on.
The course is suitable for beginners and experts of MAXQDA who not only want to get to know the functions of MAXQDA, but also want to reflect on the use of software for qualitative data analysis in the research process. Before the course starts, participants will receive documentation on the basic functions of MAXQDA for self-study. If no MAXQDA license is available yet, we refer to the free 14 day trial version. Participants work with their own laptops during the course.
Participants will have the opportunity to submit their research problems and material for the afternoon session. These can be research projects in which the evaluation of qualitative data is planned or has already begun. The projects can be based on a purely qualitative approach or mixed methods.
Registration: please send an email to Julia Büchele ( until November 1st 2019
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