24 Apr 2025

Markthalle Basel, Salon (Steinentorberg 20, 4051 Basel)

G3S / Center for Gender Studies

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Bridging the Divide: Reimagining Researchers and Research Practices through Feminist Ethics of Care and Institutional Responsibility

Public Talk + Apéro by Prof. Dr. Luisa T. Schneider

Luisa Schneider (VU Amsterdam) will be speaking on “Bridging the Divide: Reimagining Researchers and Research Practices through Feminist Ethics of Care and Institutional Responsibility” on April 24 2025 (see attached flyer for more information).

Dr. Luisa T. Schneider is an Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Vrije University Amsterdam. She completed her doctorate in anthropology at the University of Oxford in 2019. She specializes in the anthropology of intimacy, violence and law and has conducted ethnographic research in Sierra Leone since 2011 and in Germany since 2018. Through combining empirical research with conceptual synthesis, Luisa Schneider studies how people negotiate the space to live their most intimate needs on various levels of social and legal organisation. 

This event is cooperatively hosted by the Institute of Social Anthropology, the Centre for Africa Studies, and the Centre for Gender Studies, all from the University of Basel.

Date: Thursday, April 24
Time: 6:15 p.m.
Location: Markthalle Basel, Salon (Steinentorberg 20, 4051 Basel)

Registration: No registration is required for the public talk.

For the Apéro demi riche, please register by April 10 by e-mail to ggsb-genderstudies@clutterunibas.ch (subject: Apéro, Markthalle Salon).

For further information, you may also contact Anna K. Kraft via e-mail: annakerstin.kraft@clutterunibas.ch.

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