AEGIS Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies
AEGIS Summer School 2020
Since independence, Africans have repeatedly been promised greater political participation and more inclusive forms of governance – both by their own political leaders as well as international development agencies. Some 60 years after independence, the picture remains mixed. On the one side, collective efforts and targeted reforms have led to significant improvements. Today, Africa is seen more often as a continent of vast opportunities – and no longer as the hopeless continent of war and famine. On the other side, ‘better’ forms of governance have not always led to enhanced political participation, while new social inequalities continue to surface in unforeseen ways and places. For many, the future is decidedly uncertain.
(...) Further reading here.
All these issues are highly relevant for a critical understanding of African futures. They call for thorough interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cooperation, which, besides scholars, also includes planners and policy makers. The following are indicative preferential sub-themes, but should not be considered as definitive or exhaustive:
- Transformations of urban life-worlds
- Social and cultural difference – popular expressive culture, religion, media, and mediation.
- Built and natural environment in urban spaces – urban decay and the future of urban design.
- The “informal sector” – urban informality in terms of economy, housing, and transportation
- Class formation, consumption and social inequalities – new middle classes, the working poor and the unemployed
- The urban rich and the urban poor – segregation and novel settlement patterns
- Domination, resistance and political expression – novel forms of political articulation
- Urban art and culture(s): music, comics and graffiti
- Utopias and dystopias: visions of the future through film and literature
- ‘Futuring’ gender and generation
More information/application: here.
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