21 Nov 2019
18:30  - 20:00

Verso bar, Petersplatz 1 Main University building, lower level

The Language Center & International Office

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

2nd Café international. Fall semester 2019 - The international classroom a different perspective

We invite all international Master and PhD students, postdoctoral fellows, lecturers, visiting researchers and employees from the University of Basel to our second fall semester event: The international classroom a different perspective

What to expect:Two lecturers of German as a foreign language talk about learning and teaching in international classrooms and invite you to share your views and experiences. This Café international aims to:

  •  Point out challenges for learners and lecturers in internationalized higher education institutions
  • Show how much the learning of a foreign language is linked to interculturality
  •  Discuss the role of languages for personal integration and interculturality.
  •  Beatrice Mall-Grob & Angélique Thabar, lecturers of German as a Foreign Language at the Language Center of the University

Extend the experience: A small Apéro and time to informally mix and mingle will follow the event.

We look forward to your participation! 

Please register online by Sunday, November 17, 2019  

Contact: info-sprachenzentrum@unibas.ch


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