/ News, Studium
Master in Critical Urbanisms

New Study Track, Apply now
The Urban Studies program at the University of Basel is pleased to announce a new study track in its Master in Critical Urbanisms curriculum. In addition to a semester of research on urbanism from the Global South at the African Centre for Cities in Cape Town, the program now offers a semester of research on translocal urbanism.
Starting from Switzerland’s global entanglements, this new study track advances new modes of multi-sited urban research. Through collaborative project-based learning, students will explore how contemporary urban life is shaped by infrastructural violence, transnational conflicts of mobility and displacement, and struggles for social and environmental justice. Entitled “Urbanism Across Geographies," the track trains a generation of urbanists to develop site-based understandings of the urban, while opening up the postcolonial geographies from which that knowledge is produced, circulated, and applied.
The Master in Critical Urbanisms is an English-taught, four-semester program that qualifies students in interdisciplinary urban research combining humanities and social science methods with creative practice and visual representation.
The new option module is available for students starting in Fall 2020. Applications for the Master’s program in Critical Urbanisms are now open until 30 April 2020. For more information and to apply, please visit our program page, and read our detailed study guidelines.