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Book Launch this Fall: What is Critical Urbanism?

«What is Critical Urbanism?» (Park Books, Zurich) is a collective book written and edited by Kenny Cupers, Sophie Oldfield, Manuel Herz, Laura Nkula-Wenz, Emilio Distretti, and Myriam Perret — all current or past faculty members of the @critical_urbanisms program of the University of Basel. It is intended as a methodological and pedagogical toolkit for urban research.
The book is a collective effort of faculty and students, a unique collaboration between different traditions, set in different urban worlds—Basel, Cape Town, and beyond. The contributions in this volume show our commitment to immersion into the everyday past and present realities of cities, to embed our approach in practices of engaged research, critical pedagogy and collaboration, to take seriously the insights, the possibilities, and the limits of the complex urban and institutional terrains in which we move. The book will introduce the readership to Critical Urbanism’s specific form of interdisciplinarity, a pedagogy that relies on deep commitment to dialogue within and beyond the university.
The official book launch event will be held this coming Fall, so stay tuned for future communications!